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Burnaby Community Services publishes and distributes the following publications to ensure that everyone in our community has access to resources and support. You can download a copy of each publication or they can also be ordered by contacting the Community Resources Manager.
Community Resource Guide for Burnaby & New Westminster
The Community Resource Guide provides an extensive listing of programs and services in Burnaby and New Westminster. It is delivered by the Burnaby Now and New West Record to select neighbourhoods. The guide is available for pickup at public libraries, recreation and community centres, government offices, non-profit agencies and educational institutions.

Ready Set Learn
In collaboration with the Burnaby School District, Burnaby Community Services publishes the Ready Set Learn brochure, a Community Resource Guide for Burnaby Families with Children, ages newborn to 12 years. The 2019 edition provides mapped listings of both pre-school and school-age programs. Free copies of the brochure can be picked up at schools, community centres, libraries, government offices, resource centres and our office. If you are an organization or agency who wishes to obtain printed copies for distribution, please contact us at 604-299-5778.
As We Age - Seniors Resource Guide
The As We Age - Seniors Resource Guide provides a listing of services for and stories about seniors 55+ and their families. Listings include a variety of information and resources to help seniors maintain an active and healthy lifestyle as they age. The guide is distributed to the community through Burnaby seniors centres, community centres, libraries, and various government and non-profit agencies.

Seniors Community Resource Card
The Burnaby Seniors Resource Card provides a listing of basic, essential services for isolated seniors. This handy, concise and easy-to-read guide is small enough to fit into wallets, purses or post next to phones. Community resources are divided into categories including Financial Assistance, Legal / Advocacy, Health & Wellness, Housing, Transportation, Home & Yard Maintenance, Medical Equipment, Newcomers Settlement Services, Food / Shopping Assistance, Counselling & Support, Social & Recreation and others. The card is available through seniors’ peer support programs, outreach workers, Burnaby seniors’ centres, community centres, libraries, and various government and non-profit agencies. Several translations of the card are also available.
Additional languages available for the Seniors Community Resource Card:

Community Outreach Resource Card
The Community Outreach Card is a weather-resistant resource for those who are homeless, at-risk of homelessness or facing extreme poverty in the Burnaby and New West areas. Resources are organized into categories including Shelter, Financial Assistance & Benefits, Free Meals, Emergency Food Cupboards, Food Banks, Addiction & Detox Support, and Outreach services. Copies of the card are distributed by outreach and social workers, community policing offices, churches and various non-profit agencies.